Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Handle an Office Romance With Your Co-worker -The Muse

How to Handle an Office Romance With Your Co-worker -The MuseHow to Handle an Office Romance With Your Co-worker In an age when our professional and partal lives are more blended than ever, its only natural that office relationships happen. Even in the modern era of dating apps that make it easy to connect with someone new, one quarter of workers now say they have been romantically involved with a colleague. It makes sense- sharing long hours with like-minded people can be a major relationship catalyst. Marrying work and love (and maybe actually marrying your co-worker) might sound like an ideal situation, but navigating intertwining schedules and office hierarchies present their own pitfalls, bedrngnis to mention spending all that time together. Here are some tips to help you navigate the perils of the modern workplace when it starts to get serious. Breaking the berichterstattungWhen and how to the deliver the news that you and a co-worker are seriously dating (or maybe taking your relationship to the next level) is a personal choice. There isnt a one-size-fits-all solution or exact science, but some general guidelines can be helpful when you let the cat out of the bag. 1. Understand Company CultureThe company culture of every office is different- some might jump for joy and shower you both with congrats- while others may freak out in a different way. You are the best judge of what kind of environment youre working in. If youve felt the need to keep a tight lid on your dating, then an extravagant announcement at a company-wide meeting probably isnt the best way to go. Try approaching your peers individually to share the news in a more personal way to avoid distractions or negative commotion. If everyone already knows youre together and have embraced the relationship, then youre probably in the clear to get more creative with how you drop the big news.2. Know the RelationshipAnother point to consider before sharing the news is the working relationship you have with your significant other. It can be difficult to know when youre ready to take the relationship to the next level. Its a personal question, but when it comes to office romance the key is trust in your partner. Can you trust them to handle the relationship responsibility and professionally (both in-and-out of the office)?You also need to think about your interactions at work and how this news may affect others. Do you work in different departments or directly on the same team? Are you peers, or is one person several levels above the other? If youre dating your direct supervisor (or vice-versa), alfruchtwein all companies have rules in place surrounding this exact situation. You must have a game plan for how you address the issue before you spill the beans. 3. Chat with HRIf youre struggling to gauge the impact of the big reveal, the surefire way to mitigate any unwanted attention or career jeopardy is to talk with human resources. HR can give you advice about the official company policy on interoffice relationships, tips for protecting your professional reputation, and advice for informing your superiors. Many companies already have policies in place that require you to report your relationship to HR anyway, so check the guidelines in the handbook.4. Dont Tell People (at Least, Not Directly)The number one thing to remember about office relationships- theyre still relationships after you leave the office, and theyre your business. Outside of a formal declaration to abide by the rules of HR, youre not required to disclose the status of your relationship (your new apartment, your new bling, your new baby) with anyone. If you think it might adversely affect your situation, be tight-lipped. If someone asks, let them know that youd prefer to talk about work-related items at work and youd be happy to answer any questions about the big project youre working on instead. But what happens if a co-worker catches you two outside of work being well, couple-y? As long as y ouve followed company rules to report the relationship to the proper parties, then you should be in the clear. As for any rumors the colleague might spread, the good news is many offices now have policies specifically against that kind of behavior. Creating- and Enforcing- Your BoundariesSince youve made it this far already, you know that maintaining a healthy work and romantic relationship is no easy feat. With the two so inevitably blended, its important to set clear boundaries. The best way to do that? Leave work at the office and focus on your relationship when together while off-the-clock. You should already know not to bring home issues into the office, but its equally important to leave office quarrels at work. Establish some ground rules when it comes to company conflicts, and identify points where you may disagree. It can be tough when your partner doesnt take the same side as you when it comes to office politics, but if you love them, you wont let disagreements impact the decisions you make at home. Should You Leave Your Job?One of the most important decisions interoffice couples face is whether one should ever leave their job because of the relationship. With company policies around office romances seem more chill than in years past, this has more often become less of a requirement and more a quality of life change. Some couples may relish coming into the office together, and their office may bless their union wholeheartedly. For others, taking their romantic relationship to the next level can make them feel uneasy about their professional prospects at the company, or perhaps spur them to finally move on from a job they dont totally love. But in the instance of a subordinate dating a supervisor, lets say, what happens if you both love your job yet its necessary for one to leave? This is a tricky situation, but the most important life decisions tend to work themselves out if you truly love the other person. Think about what you want today and what yo u want in the future. If neither of you are willing to budge for the other person, it may be a sign that the relationship isnt as important as you thought. The decision should be a consensus, not one person forcing the other give up a career they love. Navigating the twists and turns of a serious office romance can be difficult, but knowing whats important to you and being flexible with the outcome can help you make any life-altering decisions. Family can be so much more important than an individual job, so if youve think youve found The One, dont be afraid to embrace the change that comes with taking that next major life step.

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